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Contra Ivanka: What We Know About Trump’s Real Views on Women and Families

July 22, 2016

Personnel Is Policy: A Huge Win for Progressives in DNC Platform

July 21, 2016

New Paper: Demand-Side Business Dynamism

July 21, 2016

Lesson from Brexit: Young Voters Must Be Engaged

July 20, 2016

What Can We Learn from 47 Seconds of Rudy Giuliani in Drag, Getting Sniffed by Donald Trump?

July 19, 2016

What the Close Decision on Philip Morris Tells Us About ISDS

July 19, 2016

Pro-Tax and Proud: Time for Progressives to Stop Apologizing

July 18, 2016

2016 Platform Shows the GOP Thinks Like Trump

July 15, 2016

Fighting for Black Lives—and Against the Rules of Political Expression

July 14, 2016

In Finance, Even Business as Usual Comes at Too High a Price

July 13, 2016