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When Tax Policy Discriminates: The TCJA’s Impact on Black Taxpayers

When Tax Policy Discriminates: The TCJA’s Impact on Black Taxpayers

June 18, 2024

By Beverly Moran

Building the Government We Need: A Framework for Democratic State Capacity

Building the Government We Need: A Framework for Democratic State Capacity

June 6, 2024

By K. Sabeel Rahman

The Cultural Contradictions of Neoliberalism: The Longing for an Alternative Order and the Future of Multiracial Democracy in an Age of Authoritarianism

The Cultural Contradictions of Neoliberalism: The Longing for an Alternative Order and the Future of Multiracial Democracy in an Age of Authoritarianism

April 18, 2024

By Shahrzad Shams, Deepak Bhargava, Harry W. Hanbury

Industrial Policy 2025: Bringing the State Back In (Again)

Industrial Policy 2025: Bringing the State Back In (Again)

February 11, 2024

By Todd N. Tucker (Foreword), Kyunghoon Kim, Saule T. Omarova, Jonas Algers, Andrea Furnaro, César F. Rosado Marzán, Lenore Palladino

Fifty Years of ‘Cut To Grow’: How Changing Narratives around Corporate Tax Policy Have Undermined Child and Family Well-Being

Fifty Years of ‘Cut To Grow’: How Changing Narratives around Corporate Tax Policy Have Undermined Child and Family Well-Being

January 23, 2024

By Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Emily DiVito, Niko Lusiani

A Mapping of the Full Potential of US Corporate Taxation to Enhance Child and Family Well-Being

A Mapping of the Full Potential of US Corporate Taxation to Enhance Child and Family Well-Being

January 23, 2024

By Emily DiVito, Niko Lusiani

Sea Change: How a New Economics Went Mainstream

Sea Change: How a New Economics Went Mainstream

November 16, 2023

By Felicia Wong, Suzanne Kahn, Mike Konczal, Matt Hughes

Policy Feedback in the Pandemic: Lessons from Three Key Policies

Policy Feedback in the Pandemic: Lessons from Three Key Policies

October 19, 2023

By Jamila Michener

A Progressive Take on Permitting Reform: Principles and Policies to Unleash a Faster, More Equitable Green Transition

A Progressive Take on Permitting Reform: Principles and Policies to Unleash a Faster, More Equitable Green Transition

August 22, 2023

By Johanna Bozuwa, Dustin Mulvaney

Childcare as Industrial Policy Blueprint: Lessons from New York City’s Pre-K for All Implementation

Childcare as Industrial Policy Blueprint: Lessons from New York City’s Pre-K for All Implementation

June 23, 2023

By Josh Wallack