Roosevelt Rundown An Institutional Response to Trump, the GOP’s Hidden Tax Agenda, and Exposing Shareholders June 22, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Why Automation Doesn’t Mean the End of Work, Curbing Corporate Cashouts, and One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in Antitrust June 15, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Market Power Takes Flight, Getting Democrats Back on the Left, and Changing the Narrative on Racial Inequity June 8, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Political Lessons from California, Trade Negotiations Are Escalating, and Talking Facts June 1, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Hidden Rules Embedded in Trump’s Tax Law, Making the Case to End Stock Buybacks, and a Major Regulatory Rollback May 22, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Bold Versus Old, How Corporate Consolidation Shrinks Wages, and Facing Our Monopoly Problem May 18, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Unstacking the Deck, the Limits of Antitrust, and Progressive Political Talent May 4, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown Big Economic Ideas Now, #EmpowerWorkers, and the Reality of the Racial Wealth Gap April 27, 2018
Roosevelt Rundown The Financialization of Higher Education, How Progressives Win, and Rectifying Employer Power April 20, 2018